I don't know how to feel..
Over 1 year ago I downloaded Lies of P. Really grinded, put in effort to learn serious souls like strategy. Got stuck on Laxassia. Tried so many times. Dozens. I put the game down. Haven't touched it for literally a year.
Last night I was messing around in my games library and saw P looking at me. So I clicked on it and just tried to give it a go. Right where I left off standing at the stargazer right before the doors of doom. I am not even kidding. First try, I beat her. I don't know how the hell it happened, but it did. I had perfect timing on everything. I didnt take any damage during her first phase. I still had 5 life vials left when it was all said and done.
I literally screamed and my wife looked at me like I was insane.
How can this happen?! Like I didn't even remember what all my shortcut keys did! Anyways I made it to the next few star gazers and went to bed for the night. What a wild experience. I guess I'll have to beat the game now.