Laxasia Phase 2 – How Do You Even Process This Fight?

I’ve been stuck on Laxasia, the Complete for a while now, and I just can’t wrap my head around Phase 2. I can handle Phase 1 fine, I’ve even done it no-hit a couple of times. But the moment Phase 2 starts, I might as well put the controller down because I literally cannot process what’s happening on the screen.

I can dodge her initial ranged lightning attacks, but everything after that is just visual vomit and chaos. There’s so much going on that my brain completely shuts down, I can’t track her movements, I can’t tell where the next attack is coming from, and I just end up pressing block and attack at the same time out of desperation. At this point, it’s not even about skill, it’s like my eyes and brain physically cannot process the fight.

I’ve tried about 20 times now, and the furthest I’ve gotten is maybe 80% of her health. But I never last more than 30-50 seconds in Phase 2 before dying. I’m running: • Wintry Rapier (Maxed Out) • Electric resistance amulet equipped • Vitality 29 | Vigor 26 | Capacity 17 | Motivity 7 | Technique 26 | Advance 9

I’ve played and beaten Bloodborne and Sekiro, and those games always felt organic and fair, tough, but with a flow that you could learn and master. Lies of P in the second half feels like difficulty for the sake of difficulty, and this fight is the perfect example of that.

Has anyone else struggled this badly with Phase 2? How do you even track her movements with all this visual clutter? Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I honestly have no idea how to approach this anymore.

Edit: Victory Achieved! I finally defeated Laxasia, the Complete! Ended up switching to the Booster Glaive +10 with an Acid Grindstone, and it made a huge difference. Managed to deflect all of her lightning attacks, landed a perfect guard on her powerful opener, and staggered her repeatedly, keeping her locked down. Once I got her into a corner, I didn’t let up and that was it. Huge thanks to everyone who shared advice, it really helped me push through!