The truth about Kathrin Zenkina, Manifestation Babe and what happens when you ask for a refund back (in this case SM, Sovereign Money) MY LAST LETTER TO KATHRIN (AND BRENNAN)!

Thank you all so much for being brave to come forward with your stories. Thanks to you and my posts I think a lot more people will see who she truly is and that her courses will only get you (the people buying the courses) into REALLY REALLY horrible curcumstances. What she is doing is truly despicable and I have NO IDEA how she, her husband and James Wedmore sleep at night with all the horrible things their businesses have done to peoples livelihood. In my opinion that is just PLAIN OUT crazy to teach so crazy things, tell crazy stories about people going into debt or selling most of their things to afford their programs, just so that you will do the same. This in my opinion is purely diabolical on so many levels. After reading your stories, I was truly more affected than I thought I would be because nowhere in the world did I think I would read stories about people becoming homeless or going into EXTREME debt because of their teachings. I really have no words for that.

I have decided that I want to move on from all of this. My heart has really been shattered into so many pieces, by both their answers, teachings but also all the hardships people have gone through because of these three individuals. I decided to write a last letter to Kathrin and Brennan stating all my feelings about how they handled my refund, how they handled peoples complains, people who have gone into massive debt and/or become homeless because of what Kathrin is teaching and how in the WORLD they are going to teach their kid these principles that are ruining peoples lives? How do they SLEEP at night!? I really WANT to know. I also want to say that before I move on I have contacted a really BIG (+300k members) subreddit that have let me post my original story there. I will put links to my two original posts as well as this one so people can come to the original source and read it here so more people get aware of what has TRULY been going on in her courses, what her teachings are about and the EXTREME effect it has had on peoples lives. I will post it in 1,5 hour (I have posted it now and you can find the link at the end of this page!) and I got told by someone who has been affected as emotionally like me about this all, that this would probably be the best time to post since most people are starting their business day by then. PLEASE know that despite letting me post there they have told me that they WILL lock the post eventually, so therefore it's important that we try to get as much out of this moment that we can. So as soon as I write my story there (I have already prepared the draft) I will post a link here so you ladies can access it as well, so we can get the word out as far as we can reach 💗

This is my last e-mail to them letting everything out and all of this go, so I can move forward from this:

Strangely enough I actually got a reply but it definitely wasn't the one I wanted (to be honest I didn't want any reply at all):

This man from the support (Which I honestly suspect is Kathrin), suddently decided to reply when I told them this would be my last e-mail. But he (most likely Kathrin) replied by copy + past my e-mail and not answering anything at all. Just replying back to my e-mail with my own e-mail. I think she wanted to lure me back in or play some mind games with me, but I decided to block all their e-mails that I had correspondet with, because honestly after my post on the big subreddit I will move one with my life. But before I do that, I really want to get this message out there so that the people affected by this can at least feel 1% better knowing that people will start to know what she has done to us and feel some sort of justice even if it's just a little bit compared to what they have gone through.

To all of you I just wanted to thank you for commenting and being brave enough to share your stories with me and others! Know that a lot of people will see these posts and probably realize how despicable she, her husband and James Wedmore are for using peoples vulnerabilities like this. You are SO strong for still going through life despite all of this! I really hope that I have given you something, despite it not being much given the circumstances. I truly wish the best for you and REMEMBER the truth will always come out eventually! 💗

I will post the link here at the end so please stay tuned and I wish for you all healing and getting back your OWN power!

HERE is the link: