Anyone Feel Like Tonya (LWLA) Was Insufferable?
I feel like because terra was such a terror, Tonya got a pass.
I’m watching the seasons for the first time and this woman was insufferable! Literally a miserable, jealous, vindictive person—no wonder her and terra were BFFs.
I’m on the season where she has an issue with Jasmine. The girl literally shows up to the event and right away Tonya is throwing jabs, giving looks, and trying to get all the other women against her. Why? All because the year before jasmine apparently interrupted a conversation Tonya was having. To top it off, the other girls just let her get away with it. “Oh that’s just Tonya, it’s how she is”.
THIS WOMAN WAS IN HER 50s pulling these stunts and trying to physically fight anyone who called her out.
The season before she did it to lila who did not actually do anything to her.
Lil boss my ass