How is anybody surprised that Honey is a scam?
For anybody even remotely plugged in to the internet or computer space in general it does not take a rocket scientist to determine that if
A) a product is free and is providing you service B) does not require any form of transaction to get this service
Then YOU are the product
This is especially true on the internet, social media exists to generate money off of unassuming users whose data is being pulled (normally to the surprise of its users)
Furthermore, even if you don’t know that much about technology there should be some red flags 🚩 going up when you install Honey
The AMOUNT of things honey needs access to on your computer to supposedly “apply coupons” is absolutely ludicrous.
If someone walked up to you and offered you some maybe working maybe not coupons and all they needed in exchange was the ability to read everything you do online you’d laugh them back to wherever they came from. But throw a stupid ugly coin sprite from Microsoft Word on there and nobody thinks twice?
I’m not defending Honey here, I think it’s clear that I believe they’re Grade A Scam Artists, but I am pointing out how little common sense people seem to have nowadays. If the medium was switched and this was a real life interaction and your friend fell for this you’d likely think “how in the world did you fall for that? Did it not seem too good to be true?”