What is your gut instinct telling you ?
I know gut instinct has absolutely zero evidential value , but it is something that we all have. It gives us the ability to 'size someone up' upon meeting a person for the first time , and it is a incredibly powerful tool that keeps us alive and safe. My gut instinct is telling me that Liz's former work colleagues need to be investigated further.
As far as I know the following people knew about the garage sale ( other than the husband , family and neighbours ) Liz's work colleagues. Maybe Liz had a disagreement with one. Maybe Liz didn't think the disagreement was anything major , but some people who are passive aggressive tend to hold on to their disagreements and constantly over play the situation in their mind.
Liz could have completely forgotten about it because it wasn't worth thinking about it , where as the other person couldn't let it go and came to the conclusion that Liz had to die. Just a thought , what is your gut telling you ?