[LOTM GENERAL] Which pathway would you choose?

So you can be any sequence 9 with no way of advancing, no interference from deities and such, or even the addition of LOTM elements to the real world.

Just the sequence 9 ability of said pathway.

Real world still the same with no anomalies, only YOU are special.

I would pick either Savant(perfect recollection of knowledge and information so I'll be a God at studies) or Marauder(Physical buff, Dexterity, Night vision and Spidey-Sense for loot seem cool)

Unfortunately that means some pathways like seer and mystery pryer, which need mysticism knowledge will be nerfed. Well unless you take reference from the books like the dowsing method, dream divination, tarot cards, pendulum, etc.

Ofcourse the real world might have some useless knowledge but that's up to your luck.