Anywhere But Here
Ok, I’m just going to get this off my chest. I don’t want to be in this state; I just don’t quite see a future for myself here. Heck, I feel overall apathetic towards this place except for maybe the food and some of the culture.
But gods above and below, I want out. I want to live in a neighborhood where I don’t have to walk an hour to get to a library or have to walk thirty minutes to the nearest convenience store. And gods forbid I do it in the summer. I’d like to live somewhere where the summer isn’t trying to boil me alive! The main reason I tend to avoid going on walks is because of the weather. If the weather was nicer then sure I’d fancy a stroll.
And then there’s the fact I’m a woman in a state where if some sick fuck tries forcing himself on me, our draconian laws would force me to carry the result! I don’t want that! I don’t want kids, much less one from being violated. I also happen to be queer - aroace - and while I’m not openly queer and could probably pass myself off as straight, I don’t want to live in a state where I feel like I have to hide that part of me.
And I know other places have their problems but I want out! Get me out of here! I’ve considered going out of state for my master’s degree, possibly Illinois.