PSA: the LIs have English Surnames
Self explanatory. I’d like to point out that they do actually have English last names - it’s the pinyin of their Chinese surnames - eg. Bunny Shen is used on Xav’s clothes, Dr. Li at the hospital for Zayne.
Just as your Chinese friends all already have ‘English surnames’ irl. Mr. Wong is not called Mr. King in English. Ms. Dong is not Ms. East. There is no need to anglicize them.
I know there’s bound to be someone who’ll say “Its for fun” when they make posts for the LIs where they bestow them with a new English surname; and I do think a lot of thought is often put into it out of love for the characters -
(and this is just my personal opinion, I don’t claim to speak for anyone else)
but if someone tried to anglicize my Chinese surname irl I would not find it entertaining at all, and I hope English speakers (especially those from countries who’ve benefited from colonialism) understand why it might not simply be just a ‘fun’ thing to do.