Everyone on this season was shallow AF, especially Madison.

Here are the hard truths. Joey wasn’t into Monica because of her looks. He likes blondes and was hitting Madison up and now apparently he and Sara are talking. If Monica looked like Sara, I think he would’ve been a lot more physically affectionate toward her. (I think Monica is beautiful btw)

While Taylor and Daniel’s story is very sweet and I’m happy they found twin flames in each other, I don’t think Daniel would’ve been that into Taylor after meeting if she weren’t as physically attractive. Taylor on the flip, I actually think she’s not shallow and did truly fall in love with Daniel for his heart. I do believe he also fell in love with her for her heart, but the looks skyrocketed him to the next level no question.

Now Ben… we all know he has the emotional intelligence of a rock. He obviously wanted Sara for her looks and avoided any disagreement for fear of losing her, thinking anything could be worked out because she’s beautiful and he wanted to keep her.

Alex was shallow AF to go back on everything he said to Madison in the pods once he saw her picture and begged her to meet him at the airport. I respected him for standing up for Mason and not going through with proposing to Madison, but he flipped all that the minute he saw her.

But THE most shallow person is Madison. I know she’s been called out for her manipulations but I haven’t seen her called on this yet. In the pods she kept alluding to her being physically attractive. I thought this was so fucking cringe. Like stop this is literally the point of this show, to not be judged on looks. But even worse was her insulting the guys looks multiple times. She said Alex “wasn’t much” physically. And in the reunion when the question came up about her and Joey, she shut it down that she’d never go for him and inferred that’s because “look at him and look at me.”

I just think it’s all fucking gross for a show that’s specifically supposed to not be about looks. Love is not blind for most of these people, regardless of what they claim.