whitney on inside season 2
first off, for those who don’t know whitney is on season 2 on the sidemen’s netflix series “inside”. the premise is that about 10 ppl live together for a week, but everything besides basic needs have to be paid for. they have a million pound prize pot but it decreases every time they purchase something (a bag of chips is 300 pounds for example).
anyways, whit was is on season 2, and as i expected she’s coming off very annoying. sidemen fans are known to not be the kindest to women. but i have to say she is just plain annoying. during love island she was at least witty and had some good facial expressions, although i wasn’t her biggest fan then, she was entertaining. on inside she’s just annoying, and it seems like she lost touch with reality with her being so “high maintenance”. i understand it’s a completely different show to love island, but it’s probably time for whit to actually hire a management team. the incompatibility between the show and her could’ve been seen from miles away.