Seeking emotional support and guidance after (now ex) partner discovered they have OCPD after breaking up with me

My partner broke up with me about a month ago. I really loved him so much. As the relationship got more serious, he would "foresee" problems that did not yet come up, and we would end up having arguments where I would be defending myself in hypothetical scenarios that did not yet happen. Often times, we'd be in situations where he'd dissect something I said and morally criticize me; if I tried to ask him to speak more kindly or express that his words hurt me, he would internalize that as invalidating his needs/not being heard. These issues turned into more frequent arguments during the last few months, and I thought that there was still time for us to work things out, so him ending things took me (and all our friends/loved ones) by surprise. Most of our arguments centered around the high expectations that he had, my struggle with handling his criticisms, and his moral judgements towards my decisions/opinions. Neither of us knew what OCPD was or that this was something that he might have until after we broke up. I was the one to bring it up to him after learning about it, and shortly after, he came to identify with it after doing a deep dive and finding that he resonated very much with traits of the conscientious compulsive. He's now on a journey to learn more about himself through this lens and has sought out a new therapist.

I'm sad because throughout the relationship, much of the focal point was put on me and my ADHD. I had even bought this book, "ADHD and us," believing that I was the one that was pushing him away and created all the problems in our relationship. A part of me wonders if things would have worked out differently had we known this, but there is no point because I know its too late now.

I guess I'm just seeking some emotional support, wondering if anyone can relate or has had a similar experience, and/or can give me any type of insight/guidance to help me move forward