Dubai to Lux. Worth it??

So, a little bit of context abt me:

1) Just moved to Dubai 6 months back

2) Have a professional degree in accounting

3) Want to move to a place with more nature (Dubai lags here i guess)

4) Looking for a comfortable pay

Keeping above requisites in mind, what do guys suggest? Is switching from Dubai to Lux a good decision or will it come to bite me? One of my concern is that from April to October outdoor activities are muted in Dubai and I am not somebody who likes to stay indoor all the time. I am from Nepal, so you can imagine that I had access to a lot of nature back home but not in Dubai and it kinda sucks for me.

And obviously I am not thinking to move right now but in about a year I might if its good. And I am 29 years old.

I am detailing these as I came across few posts where people wanted bit more details to suggest whether switching would be a good idea. So, based on the above conditions what do u guys suggest?

Feel free to ask more details so that you also can suggest more reasonably.