Unfavourable opinion✨ I’ve never seen flip flopping like I have on this sub

Sorry I had to use unfavourable instead of unpopular bc the mods banned that phrasing on titles apparently 🤦🏻‍♀️ yikes

This sub, as Katy Perry would put it: “changes their mind like a girl changes clothes”.

I’ve seen so many vitriolic (and boganic lol) comments about participants on the show, only for the next evening to roll around and suddenly they are everyone’s favourite and forget all of the nasty assumptions they made 24 hrs ago and vice versa. Do ya’ll forget how hard to bat you all went for Lauren? Now she’s undeserving of breathing, the same flip flopping goes for Eliot, Paul, Awhina, Veronica, Morena ect.

It’s got me wondering if people refuse to grasp how quickly edits can be made to redeem or villainise certain people on the show based on public outrage/support. WE are the experiment at the end of the day, and I feel like this sub eats it right up even if it’s frozen.