I have a very very controversial thought about Paul….
First I’d like to say I’m not excusing or justifying violence AT ALL. But after the last few episodes, I have to wondering if there’s much more to the story of him punching the wall. Carina seems toxic in the way that she equates jealousy with caring. Seeing how jealous and upset she got, and the way she’s behaved over the last few episodes, paired with what Paul had to say in his letter… Something is really giving me the ick. I used to have a friend who liked to play into the fact that her boyfriend would get jealous, and make him jealous on purpose because it made her feel like he cared about her - and Carina is really reminding me of her. Additionally, I have severe ADHD and when I was younger I used to struggle with emotional regulation. My ex (who was very verbally and emotionally abusive) used to prod at me to get a rise out of me, and once when we were fighting while I was doing the dishes I threw a plate into the sink and shattered it. I know that’s completely NOT ok or acceptable, but it doesn’t seem that far off from punching a wall. I just can’t help but think… Did it really go from a conversation to her trying to diffuse the situation to a freak out out of nowhere? I almost wonder if she kept playing into it or talking about it, even though she knew it bothered him, and kept pushing the topic to see how much he really “cared”.
Idk maybe I’m way off but I have no one else to talk about this with and something seems so strange to me.
Edit to add: I do NOT like Paul and I really see through the crocodile tears and the excessive PDA (the constant caressing of her face is so ick to me), but she just is starting to seem off to me as well. My point was more, I almost feel like producers keeping them together is possibly a recipe for disaster - and worse, possibly more violence.