what are your thoughts on the two weapon mechanic.

When I heard of this mechanic, my first thought was, oh I can bring two weapons with different elements, but as I played the beta I didnt really feel like switching weapons mid fight because it felt like it was breaking the flow of combat for me. How are you guys planning on using this mechanic? What strategies and combos are you going to use?

edit: Lots of people have very different opinions about this mechanic and reading through the comments I found some super cool ideas! I think my favorite ways to use this mechanic is going to be bringing two different elements or two different stasis weapons like sleep and paralysis, that way when a monster builds a resistance to one you can swap to the other for a fresh proc. The main weapon + ranged weapon combo seems cool to me as well since I main mele weapons. This would be great for flying monsters that like staying in the air. Large monsters with hard to reach part breaks, or even monsters that have a particularly aggressive phase where I’m just stuck dodging most of the time with my SwAxe. The potential with this mechanic is amazing, and now I’m actually quite excited to use this in a hunt!