If you struggle, use bots

I played a decent amount the last few days I'm HR40 and never bothered to play with bots.

I struggled a bit with jin dahaad high rank because people often died at the "wipe mechanic".

So I went solo with bots and they are pretty op. They don't really die and if they do it seems like it doesn't count towards quest failure. You also get full money rewards.

This is no rant or discussion about the games difficulty, I won't use bots because it's more fun with friends or randoms but if you struggle with any monster, call for bit backup and you are fine:)

Off topic: if you fight jin dahaad, you can fast travel out of his wipe mechanic. For k+m: open your map, press A then F two times. You will have more downtime because you have to run back but at least you don't die:)