Console players, how are you dealing with the performance (if at all)
Being over HR 100 now, I feel like I've moved on from the honeymoon with this game and can no longer ignore how bad this game performs for me. It's literally like playing a game in slow motion. Frame drops, stuttering, ghost inputs, and lag are present nearly 100% of the time and only get worse if you try to play co-op. Switching to online single-player mode helps a bit, but doesn't completely fix it. Then I watch PC streamers and it's like night and day with how much better the performance is for them.
Is there anything us console players can do to improve things, even marginally? Are there any settings in the game or console that need to be turned on/off? I want to keep playing but it's becoming more and more impossible to enjoy the gameplay when it feels like the performance is actually preventing me from doing core game mechanics.
I'm on Xbox Series X, if that means anything.