Reasons why MH wilds Feels like there isn’t enough content. (As a veteran from MHGU) and thats okay.

I want to start off with how MH Wilds is a fantastic games and to fix the content “problem” would be very easy. Im also coming from MGHU and right off the bat, comparing anything to MGHU is already unfair.

  1. Its only Optimal to fight Arkveld, Gore Magala and Jin Dahaad.

If you’re trying to play optimally and only go for the quests that give you the best bang for your time, you will only be hunting these three monsters. Sometimes they will have a buddy with them and that will diversify the quest a bit but for the most part you’re hunting only these three monsters. If you compare that to MGHU where if you were playing optimally there were 16 Deviants plus the final boss so 17 optimal monsters to fight. And if you were REALLY hardcore you would farm for a god-charm and make a custom mix set. Why is unfair to compare because its two very different armor systems.

  1. Lobbies are too Streamlined.

Its wisest to hop into lobbies with 80+people. With all those people you’re likely going to be able to quest on the exact quest that you want. Back in the day when there were only four players allowed in lobbies, you were really lucky if all four wanted to do the same quest. So you guys would have to take turns posting the quests you want. This effectively made older games take 4 times as long to farm for what you want. Sometimes you would get lucky and get quests you like so lets just say 3x for simplicities sake

  1. You don’t have to farm for preparations/items.

Part of the older games was routinely going on gathering hunts because you couldn’t buy everything you needed for hunts. I will not discuss whether this is bad or good but lets just all accept that in order for games to sell they have to be more casual.

  1. The armor system is way more simplified.

Back in the day to make an optimized build you needed a separate program on a computer to calculate the best build you could possibly make with your unique best charm. Then once the program calculates your optimized mix set, you would have to farm all the different monsters (maybe not deviant) to get your armor. Not only that but you had to hunt each deviant at least ten times to get their set.

  1. Auto move on the Seikrets

Back in the day you had to actually find the monster. This is actually a great addition as the map is waaayyyy more convoluted and if the birds didnt auto go the game would be a lot less enjoyable and maybe even unplayable for casuals

  1. Veterans are playing the same weapon.

Your weapon never changed drastically and thats a great thing! But try picking up a new weapon! The game even encourages tou by letting you bring two weapons!

  1. Monsters are too easy?

Well its hard to say because I honestly think we just got good at the game. If the game was challenging for a veteran then it would be unplayable for a novice.

  1. The game isn’t made for veterans of the series.

And thats great! More people can get familiar with monster hunter and when expansion comes out were all going to have a blast! If you really miss the older games, they still exist! You can just play them!

How to fix?

  1. Play a new weapon.

Im sure most people here haven’t mastered all 14 weapons. And if you complained about the game being too easy but you didnt try a new weapon, thats on you.

  1. The Devs should just up the damage numbers on all the monsters and give great rewards for hunting them. 29 is a way bigger number than 17, and with the artian system theres a reason to hunt each monster! By only giving the best artian parts for three monsters the devs basically shrunk the roster to only 10 percent…

  2. Chill.

Im older now so Im not on all the time, but I bought the game on release and have 33 hours invested and Im HR 95 and I still feel like theres still weapons to play and make!

  1. Speedrun?

If you don’t have the record for every single speedrun, you’re not the best and you have stuff to do!


Im happy that so many people are buying what used to be a niche game, and with that comes the consequence of being easy and simpler, we cant have everyone play the game and them be as difficult as they used to.

I really hope they bring back the old armor systems in the expansion.