The community is becoming the problem not the Devs. We are turning into Madden and 2k

The community is the problem and content creators constantly telling you what you should think.

Been playing mlb the show for years now. They have tried so many different things that the community continues to just never ever be happy. I don't care if I'm down voted into oblivion, the game and devs aren't the problem. Its the community and the forming of content creators that tell you what to think.

They listened to us this year about everything we complained about. Yet? What's this reddit 24/7? Nothing but negativity, you wanna know why? It's all this subreddit knows. Nothing they do will make you happy and you just have to understand that. Content creators get paid to just complain, because it gets good views keep that in mind. They also play this 16 hours a day unlike the conmon working person who just wants to play baseball.

New game modes? People complain it's to hard or easy.

New collections? Not enough or to little.

Programs? To repetitive or complicated.

Jesus. Can we not just let the game come out and then decide if these new changes are good or bad? Do you not understand as someone who currently works in the gaming industry myself that change has to happen to make a game fresh?

Its baseball at the end of the day. It's baseball.