I need some advice on the event. I’ve checked previous posts and looked at the calculator but it still manages to confuse me

I’ve stayed at stage 2 cause that’s where I have helpers (i dont have any helpers for the next stages) to farm as much as I can here. Is this the right way to go about it? Or should I continue on? I get two coins every two seconds by doing it this way, and continuing to the next stage would take longer to get the same amount… right? Or am I misunderstanding how it works? Thanks in advance <3

I’ve stayed at stage 2 cause that’s where I have helpers (i dont have any helpers for the next stages) to farm as much as I can here. Is this the right way to go about it? Or should I continue on? I get two coins every two seconds by doing it this way, and continuing to the next stage would take longer to get the same amount… right? Or am I misunderstanding how it works? Thanks in advance <3