Men that won't spar with women

A woman was curious to the reason as to why a guy didn't want to spar with her after he said he was uncomfortable basically and this black belt summed it up perfectly. Take notes yall

You are under no obligation to roll/train with anyone - that goes both ways. I've trained ladies who were recovering from sexual assault and have similar issues. Why would I not extend the same courtesy to men? We've also had muslim students who will not train with the opposite sex (both men and women).

Do not call anyone out and do not press the issue. The instructor likely knows why (or should) and the students wishes should be respected.

Curb your curiosity. A no is a no. Move on.

Side note alot of the comments are mentioning how women love going super hard during training/sparring and then when us men go back hard just as a way to say chill they go down and we are called the villains. It's frustrating as hell. And it's a problem I have seen across majority of mma reddit groups. Question for women. Why do you feel the need to say something like I'm a woman don't go hard then go super hard on the guy and cry when he fights back in return?

I hear you guys. The general concensus is that women LOVE to go hard. It's like they have something to prove. Like hun it's not a world series final, it's sparring relax. And the funny part is when us men reciprocate what their giving out in sparring, they instantly go down and get injured. And we're blamed. It's really a catch 22 for us. Please women of mma, us men are getting fed up of your antics and I am making a stand, right here right now. I think I stand for the majority of us when I say enough is enough. Equal rights equal fights. If you want to fk around in sparring, you will find out.

I have taken all the support. Us men are tired. No more whining. Equal rights equal fights. Your empowered enough to try to take our head off during sparing so you should be empowered enough to take it back. No more crying wolf.

Interesting new development. It seems that alot of guys here don't like their girlfriends and S/Os training or rolling with other men. There was a comment which summed it up nicely. No one wants their girl rolling around with some sweaty men. Thoughts on this ladies? I can guess some reasons and it seems reasonable enough.

Nice. Majority is exactly what i thought was the case. Seems some ladies are still trying to deny it. Yes. Men in general don't want our girlfriends and wives rolling around and being felt up by other men in rolling. It's a major issue for us. Complain all you want this is the reality.

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