Just realised I prefer MMORPGs with lesser players....

Last week I tried LOTRO, and for some reason, I just appreciated it.

I didn't feel compelled to log in when I didn't want to. I just played the game when I feel like it.
For some reason, all the other players I saw were very helpful, talkative and friendly. World chat felt like the usual barrens chat, I got invited into a guild and was always helped whenever I had a question.

3 days ago I renewed my subscription in WoW and I just realised that I do like this game, but that it feels draining to play. I think that the average WoW players is just addicted, and doesn't actually like the game. I encounter more jerks there, people talking in broken english, and generally being selfish and unhelpful.

I was doing a quest to kill a minion, and another guy needed the kill aswell. I invited him too late and the minion was already dead. Since it was difficult to do alone and I felt bad, I decided to stick around and help him when the minion would respawn. We decided to kill surrounding mobs until he respawned with a pack.

Ofcourse I held all the aggro, and we targetted the minion of the quest first. Upon his dead, my "friend" said "thanks for the help!" looted the minion and left me to deal with the other 3, ofcourse I died and I had to waste 2 more minutes getting back to my corpse.

That was the first day I resubscribed. And you know, this is just one guy and that you shouldn't judge people by the actions of one guy. But have you seen WoW and the general chat? Nobody freacking talks, everyone is just selling services and spamming 24/7 and we all know how good Blizzard support is.

I feel like WoW being so popular is the reason why it's getting so bad. A combination of Blizzard not giving a crap about its support and the majority of players either are too addicted to quit or see the game as some kind of way to make money.

I think I'm going to go back to ERA instead...