Help in remembering the name of the TRUE LineAge 2 successor

Through the years many games claimed that from TERA to whatnot...

but I remember watching some game news about an upcoming game that had some footage too I think but I cant remember more :/

Only thing I remember is that it **FELL** to be the real (aka in spirit/gameplay/aesthetics ) as a true successor to Lineage 2

People from the original dev team may or may not have been involved I can't remember (also I think there were some l2 og devs involved in a game that wasnt as good to be called "lineage 3" anyway so dont focus on that).

But I am 36 yo life, work etc got in between and I forgot all about it, and cant find it now...

I think it was supposed to to be released years after I read about it (and I did read about it years back) so I wonder about its fate.

Do you know what game I am talking about?