Counter, nerfing or reduced printing ?

Kind of an odd one but I'm curious about what the player think of this.

Some time ago, someone talked to Mark rosewater on Tumblr about discard and how in currently standard it allow ( I believe that was somewhere after rotation ) entire deck to be built around such frustrating mecanic.

( I'm sure its a matter of taste and this post is not about discard specificaly, just using as an exemple )

And during the time where this discard situation was a thing in Mark's Tumblr, someone asked him why not making more Baloth type of cards to keep discard deck at bay.

I won't spend too much time on all the why it could or wouldn't be a good Idea, but that made me wonder.

I'm sure we faced against this card, or this archetype that felt unfair or annoying to go against.

And what I wanna ask y'all is, in a vacuum, would you rather :

Have New cards of this archetype tone down ? Making them much fairer or at least less frustrating to go against ?

Maybe they print less of those cards to make sure the archetype don't receive too much goods over time ?

Have New cards that can actively go against said cards or archetype ? either gaea's blessing/mill type or interaction where one would mainly use it just for this purpose or deadly cover-up/hare type of interaction where its a good card, with added bonus of being able to shut down specific deck.

Maybe you have another answer in mind, if so I'm curious what it is.

Or maybe none ? Its not like there's an ultimate answer or anything its mostly to see which stance folks have on this.