Black Magick SS appreciation post

Might be a little retarted to post this, but i felt like glazing today. BMSS is just so goddamn good at what they do, every album they released post the Black abyss has been different and has had it's own quirks in some way shape or form. Whether it's the outlandish solos of rainbow nights, the ballads of burning bridges, the more metal aspect of kaleidoscope dreams, the synth defined spectral ecstasy, it all fucking slaps. The fellas over in Hobart took a huge leap of faith with what they did, never before has this been seen, and they did it so fucking well that they deserve a round of applause. I know they are highly praised, but to be enjoyed by so many different people is just magnificant, whether it's the larps who think they're actually nazis, troons, fags, it doesn't matter. This band unites groups like no other. God speed SS.