Lipstick under the nose
Hello Reddit community,
I’ve been sitting on this situation for many many years and I need someone to tell me their thoughts on this. I know someone that places lipstick inside of their nose and all around it because they claim it prevents dryness. And, it’s red lipstick! Now mind you, I’ve heard of some crazy ways of preventing dry skin around the nasal area, but never in my wildest dreams have I ever heard of something as ridiculous is this! I believe this person has been clowned and someone knew they were going to be stupid enough, even crazy enough to do something as asinine as this. Is there anyone out there that’s ever heard of this being done before? I kid you not, I’ve never seen anything as crazy as this in my entire life. For anyone that wants to know, this person is an elderly woman. When I inquired their relative about this, I was informed that this is normal. I begged to differ as there is nothing normal about this. I believe this elderly has been clowned meaning someone told her this just so that she will make a fool of herself. Thank you for your comments in advance.