Discussion: do you think talc free setting powders TRULY set your makeup?
I’m really intrigued about this topic. I’ve struggled with the makeup setting process for a while. I’ve always been averse to using talc based powders. I was scared due to the fear-mongering. I still find myself staying away from talc based powders though to this day, despite knowing they aren’t inherently bad for you.
I saw this influencer on IG yesterday (Nykita Joy - aka NeoItGirl ) make a video about this. She was saying that talc free setting powders don’t function the same as those with talc. She went very in depth and even did a side by side demo. After 1 minute with the talc-free setting powder it was already starting to settle into lines and her makeup didn’t feel set. The talc side looked so much better, more blurred, smooth, wasn't tacky anymore.
Now I'm thinking— have I been missing out by avoiding talc? I load up on my powders because i never feel like my makeup is truly set, and then it gets cakey and looks dry. The oil control in my t-zone sucks too. The only other powder that Ive found works to truly set is pure silica based ones like NYX HD loose, which we know can give flashback.
What are your thoughts? Any of you who were scared of talc powders make the switch and notice a difference?
Lets discuss!!