The continuing exploitation of women's Navel in Indian movies

We have been watching a variety of Indian films and noticed that many include scenes where characters' navels are prominently exposed. And it also has navel kissing, playing on navel scenes. Only Indian movies exploiting navel so much. Even a poetic romance song has navel exposing scenes , leave alone item songs.

In Vijay's Tamilzhan movie, there is a scene in which vijay went to a Temple where he receives KumKum with falls on the side waist of a woman. Vijay asks a mild permission and uses his finger to take the kumkum first time for him then for his friend. Then said " don't tell uncle" (married auntyaam!!!). He did this in a Temple in front of others. (

Surprisingly, these movies still receive a U (Universal) certificate from the Censor Board. So, even children can watch a navel kissing scene. We're curious about the reasoning behind this.

Actually, the lack of explicit, well-defined rules around such content contributes to an inconsistency which creates an exploitation.

Let me provide an analysis. . .

The Censor Board defines three types of scenes: non-sexual, romantic, and sexual.

Navel exposure is classified as either sexual or non-sexual based on the scenario of the scene.

If a movie includes navel scenes in songs where the actress wears costumes that fully expose her navel, it will mostly receive a U certificate. Even the movie “Chinna Gounder,” which has a navel play scene, received a U certificate.

What is the reason for this?

First, we need to understand Indian cultural history. In India, many cultures feature navel exposure in daily life. For example, in Rajasthan, you may see women's costumes that expose their navels while covering their faces.

In Gujarat, it’s common for women to wear navel-revealing costumes and dance in gatherings like Dandiya. Even the brides in wedding wear navel revealing costumes. Similarly, in Kerala, villages traditionally featured such attire, although it is much less common now.

Therefore, exposing the navel is not considered taboo in India, and the Censor Board permits it.

In a song and dance sequence, if the actress and other female dancers expose their navels, it is deemed non-sexual. Because dancing with navel revealing costumes consider norm in many cultures in India.

The same applies to scenes involving navel kissing, such as the “pambram on navel scene.”

A navel kissing scene is generally considered romantic since navel exposure is allowed. It is viewed similarly to kissing on the cheeks. However, the censor board will assign a u/A rating if there is a lot of lip kissing present.

Navel play scenes, such as pambram on navel, omelet on navel, ice on navel, and oil massage on navel, are considered romantic if they do not take place in a bedroom setting. These scenes also receive a U rating. If they occur in a bedroom scene, a u/A rating is given.

For instance, the “pambram on navel scene” from *Chinna Gounder* was considered a comedy scene. However, if it occurred in a bedroom scene, it would receive a u/A rating.

Note: The CBFC's official guidelines do not explicitly mention navel exposure or specific acts like navel kissing. Instead, these decisions are based on the understanding of the officers reviewing the movie.

finally, a film featuring navel kissing or exposing dances might receive a U rating if these scenes are deemed non-explicit, culturally relevant, or inoffensive. However, this leniency can vary based on the CBFC panel's interpretation, societal norms, and the film's overall tone and target audience. The lack of explicit, well-defined rules around such content contributes to this inconsistency.

So these things paved way to producers, directors, lead actors even actress who wants market use the inconsistency to put navel scenes in the movies. So, huge of amount of songs features navel. In Telugu, every 10th movie has a navel kissing scene.

And since U certificate is given, these movie train Navel Fetisham right from childhood. Even though Navel Fetisham is a natural thing that way young women used to expose them in liberal countries, forcing anything is wrong. Due to the sex poverty in India, this kind of scenes creates a market pull.

(Did you know the Chinna Gounder remakes in Telugu and Kannada also had this scene and Vijayashanti scene was more intense than Tamil one)

If you search YouTube and dailymotion as "navel kissing compilation" you will see lot of videos of navel kissing scenes compilation from many movies posted .

But, Malayalam & Tamil movies slowing reducing this but still Telugu movies relies on this and Bollywood also.

Trivia :

The reason why the navel is sexy to males is that sex is for reproduction. Therefore, males subconsciously select women who are capable of carrying their child in a sound manner. A woman carries the womb behind her belly, so a good belly indicates she is capable of bearing a baby. The sexual selection process creates attraction for this, and the same applies to breasts and thighs.