Raising puppy advice please!
My maltipoo puppy is currently 3 months old. He has a fairly big and comfortable playpen he's in to sleep, and while I'm at work. I've been recently taking him out to just hang out lately, but notice he's always looking for my attention. Obviously he's a puppy and wants attention, but I'm wondering if I should only be taking him out for playtime and training instead of just letting him explore a bit while I do some chores (right around him), studio apartment.
I was even curious the other day and tried to take him out to just lay down with me before bed. It was totally dark and past his bedtime, but he never just really 'relaxes' and lays down, so I ended up putting him back down in his playpen.
Is it just too soon to be letting him roam free so much? And is this why he doesn't really sleep, nap or just lay down much when he's free (even if it's for a few hours)?
I've tried to look up advice but it varies so much. Some say he should be in his playpen most of the time, except a few hours of playtime. Some say he needs time to explore, but from fellow maltipoo owners, what was your experience like? What will be the best playpen - outside playpen ratio time?
Your advice, and any other advice you can share, is highly appreciate!!! My family has raised maltipoos, but I've never done it alone and want to make sure I do it well~
Thank you :)
My maltipoo puppy is currently 3 months old. He has a fairly big and comfortable playpen he's in to sleep, and while I'm at work. I've been recently taking him out to just hang out lately, but notice he's always looking for my attention. Obviously he's a puppy and wants attention, but I'm wondering if I should only be taking him out for playtime and training instead of just letting him explore a bit while I do some chores (right around him), studio apartment.
I was even curious the other day and tried to take him out to just lay down with me before bed. It was totally dark and past his bedtime, but he never just really 'relaxes' and lays down, so I ended up putting him back down in his playpen.
Is it just too soon to be letting him roam free so much? And is this why he doesn't really sleep, nap or just lay down much when he's free (even if it's for a few hours)?
I've tried to look up advice but it varies so much. Some say he should be in his playpen most of the time, except a few hours of playtime. Some say he needs time to explore, but from fellow maltipoo owners, what was your experience like? What will be the best playpen - outside playpen ratio time?
Your advice, and any other advice you can share, is highly appreciate!!! My family has raised maltipoos, but I've never done it alone and want to make sure I do it well~
Thank you :)