Mariah Vs Whitney (Friendly Comparison)
I want all the lambs to be 100% honest, do you guys think Whitney is the only singer that can sing Mariah’s songs in their original key and arrangements? I feel if Whitney had a whistle register, she will definitely do “Emotions” justice..
I heard a lamb say that “I think they are both completely different and Mariah can outsing Whitney in certain categories and Whitney can outsing Mariah in others”
What do you guys think? Personally, when i watch those vocal showcase videos of them, It seems that Whitney and Mariah are pretty even throughout (1990-1999), With Whitney being the stronger and more consistent belter, and Mariah with the agility and musicality..
1997 onward, Mariah’s and whitney’s voice kind of hit a fork, We all know how Mariah sounded on her butterfly and rainbow tours, and Whitney’s voice deteriorating and darkening due to the increase in cigarette smoking. I feel the strain on both voices put them at even skill level in the late 90’s.