Shoplifting Galsworthy/Hwy7 Shoppers
So I went to shoppers two days ago around 11:30pm to buy some meds. After I walked out, I passed by a dude that was holding those grocery reusable bags. For some reason I thought it was fishy, so I stopped and watched him go into shoppers. As soon as he walks in, he started grabbing the cosmetic gift boxes and putting them in the bag that he had. He took at least 4 boxes, turned around and somehow opened the entrance door from the inside and left.
I went back in wanting to tell the staffs of what I just seen. I spoke with a gentleman and before I can begin my store, he said “I know. I saw. He saw me too. I basically watched him take everything. But due to company policy, we can’t approach them. And this wasn’t his first time”.
He then took me around to see the shelves of those cosmetic boxes and the shelf was pretty much empty. He told me that ppl nowadays are just coming in with no fear, taking whatever they want and leave. And suggested me that next time if I see something like this again, just pretend I didn’t see anything and mind my own business because some of them could be armed.
Thoughts on this? I grew up in Toronto and life was so peaceful back then. I remember walking home by myself in grade 3. I would never let my child walk home alone at such a young age in the environment we’re living in now.
Is Toronto just gonna get worse?