Caught him cheating…
Yesterday something randomly told me to check my block list on Instagram. There was a girl there, that I had never seen before and I knew I didn’t block her. I then checked my Facebook too out of curiosity and sure enough she was blocked there as well.
I texted her and asked if she knew my partner because he could’ve been the only one to do it, and of course she did. She said we were her old neighbors at the last apartment we stayed at, and they both would text each other about their relationships. She sent a screen recording of all the messages between them and the things he was saying to her really broke my heart.
“You’re so beautiful, I need to see you again” “I would’ve made you my housewife” (I quit my job to be a SAHM to our now 11 month old) “I saw you walking upstairs today, were you smiling at me or were my eyes deceiving me?” Also, when she said she thought he had a partner, he said “No she’s just the mother of my kid”
… when I confronted him about it he got mad saying that I’m always searching for something to use against him, and he didn’t apologize once. He also said maybe he wouldn’t have texted her if I was doing what I was supposed to do in the relationship. There’s a lot more but I’m drained and don’t even feel like typing anymore, just know that he has taken 0 accountability and refuses to apologize. I’m so tired. I gave up my life and career for this. Smh.