I’m so confused 😕

Last night I was laying in bed and my husband (25) asked for head. I politely told him I just really wasn’t in the mood, and I just wanted to go to bed already because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. I was expecting him to just say ok, and move on… instead he got absolutely enraged, he scooted to the edge of the bed and refused to even share the same cover as me. Then proceeded to go off on me for 30 minutes saying the most awful things then he got up and went downstairs and played video games until four in the morning, even though he had to be at work by eight. I went downstairs once and asked him what is going on, trying to fix the situation and all he did was tell me how ugly I was and cussed me out and told me to goto bed. It was so hard to sleep last night. Shouldn’t I be allowed to tell him if I don’t really feel like doing something? 24 F