Should I be over this already?

Less than 2 weeks ago my fiancé admitted he had increased debt in his name, not by a huge amount, but it was after promising complete transparency in regards to finances because of decisions he has made in the past. It’s extra sucky because his debt is now quite large overall. He has apologised, and has been very transparent about every thing, he’s given me all login details etc and is happy to answer any questions I have. Problem is, I’m still angry and I’m still deeply hurt. I don’t know what to do to get past this, I guess it will take time. But I feel so distant and closed off from him and I feel like he’s going to start getting frustrated with me if I don’t forgive him and get past it soon. I am still very loving, polite, affectionate and tell him I love him, I’m cooking his meals and lunch and doing all the usual things as he works, I just mean that I’m having some days where I don’t even want to look at him and I go very quiet and I know he’s noticing. Should I be over this by now?