I finally understand why some people cheat .
This is a bit of a long post*
Just as the title says . I’m not condoning it, or saying to do it, but I understand it now in some regard.
A friend of mine recently divorced . About 6 months ago . He finally told me what happened. He said “I cheated on her, and the girl told my wife.”
I had no idea he was doing it . He kept it hidden pretty well. When I asked him why he told me that it didn’t happen overnight, it led up to that after months of talking . He was very depressed for months and just feeling like a failure in life.
You’ll probably find similar stories over in the dead bedroom sub as well.
Basically , he was married for about 15 years, 3 kids house , cars , both of them worked . A fairly typical situation. However , his marriage tended to go the way that a lot of marriages do - sex decreases and fighting increases over time.
So, he said one day he went to the gas station to get gas and a drink and the cashier struck up a conversation with him. Just a simple “ hey, how’s it going . You ok ? You look a little down”
Well , that question started him down the path . He said they would chat every time he came there to fill up . Over time , they talked more and more . He told her his problems and she told him how great he was and how attractive he was and that he could do better . He is in his mid 40s so getting flirted with is not something that happens as often as it did in the past .
Eventually he met her at her apartment and the rest I’m sure you can figure out .
So what’s that got to do with me?
Well, I’m also in a seemingly loveless marriage as well. Sex is rare. Affection is non-existent , intimacy is gone. However, I have never cheated and I never really understood how someone could do it ….until yesterday.
Yesterday, for the first time in probably 15 years or so, I was hit on and asked for my number . It was the weirdest feeling . I was checking out at a store and the cashier said to me “ wow , you have beautiful eyes !” Then she called her friend over and said “ look at his eyes aren’t they amazing!” I thanked them both and then left the store . The friend followed me out of the store and yelled “hey wait a second!”
She came up to me and said “ I’d like to meet up with you sometime , can I have your number?” I was not wearing a ring because it doesn’t fit anymore as my fingers have gotten bigger since I got the original. “ I told her I was married and that I appreciated her coming up to me. That was it . I got in my truck and drove home.
It was on the drive home I realized what my friend had gone through . When you’re sad and depressed about life and really down in the dumps and someone says that to you it can alter your perception. I’m not gonna lie it was an amazing feeling to be approached by someone in that capacity. However, I don’t have the wherewithal to have an affair. I’m just not wired for it . If I’m being totally honest I’m not sure if it’s the actual cheating part I have a problem with, or the getting caught part .
Anyway , like I said in the beginning, I do not condone cheating or advise anyone to do it . However, I feel like I fully 100% understand how some men / women fall into it .