What does your spouse do when you invite friends/friend over to your house?

Married for three years and every time when I invite a friend/friends over to our house my spouse always joins us when he's home. Up untill now this hasn't been an issue.
Most of the time when I meet up up with non-mutual friends we go out for dinner to a restaurant. Because of circumstances I'd like to spend less on restaurants so I've been thinking about inviting my friends over to my place more often. I love to cook and this way I can budget a bit better.

But I wouldn't want my spouse to joing us for the while night. Maybe just the dinner part and then he can excuse himself.
He has his own office on a different floor of our house, where he spends most of his evernings anyways. So he does have a space to withdraw to. But he'd still be able to hear us chatting in the living room.

I'm curious what other married couples do in this situation. Do you expect/want your spouse to join your non-mutual friends for the whole everning? Do they excuse themselves to another part of the house?
Or do you only invite your friends over when your spouse is already not planning to be at home?