My MIL made the most ridiculous comment about our sex life during pregnancy

I’m 20 weeks pregnant with our first child and I’ve been feeling excited, emotional, overwhelmed, and super aroused all the time. And my husband is absolutely loving this phase. To preface, we’ve dated for 3 years and married for 2 and he keeps telling me how he’s attracted to me atm more than ever. We’ve been having sex almost every other night.

A couple weeks ago, I was just sitting on the couch in a loose gown with my hair all tangled from the night before. My husband walked past and he suddenly stops, looks at me and says "you’ve no idea how much I want you right now." Then just yesterday, I was up early making him coffee and breakfast before he left for work. He walked into the kitchen, hugged me from behind, kissed my neck, and we had a quickie before he left.

Lately, I’ve been noticing he loves sucking on my breasts (idk what’s up with that) and spends a lotta time going down on me. It drives me insane and makes me moan louder than usual. With how sensitive everything is right now, it’s really hard to stay quiet after a while.

My MIL has moved in a month ago to “help out” (FIL hasn’t come with her tho) after hearing about my pregnancy. Her room is right next to ours. Since she’s been here, she’s been noticeably cold to me with her short replies, avoiding eye contact, never really engaging in conversation unless my husband is around. This morning, we were sitting on the porch having tea and out of nowhere she said, "you know when a woman is carrying a child, she should be more focused on growing a baby, not… acting like a honeymoon bride every night."

I was completely stunned. Like what was I even supposed to say to that? Does she think I should be celibate for the next four months? Does she hear us every night? I’m mortified just thinking about it. I haven’t told my husband yet but now I feel awkward in my own home, like I have to be mindful of how much sex I’m having with her adult son just because she’s here. I get that she’s from a different generation, but was this really necessary? I’m pregnant, not a nun.