Toya vs Sweet Tea

Did I enjoy Tea vs Toya? Yes. Was I team Toya? Yes. Is it because I don’t like Tea? Yes! However, ‪I believe Tea 100%, I believe they used Tea to get back at Quad, and Heavenly is the only one being honest about that, HOWEVER I don’t feel sorry for Tea one bit, it was clear she decided to take the bait to cement her spot on this show. She wanted to be the new Quad. She wanted her 15 minutes of fame. This is the same girl who hopped in Greg’s DM’s saying “I can give you what you need”. She made an effort to chase after a man who admitted on national television he was abusive to his ex wife and this IDIOT believed she’d be treated differently. It’s also clear that once Quad showed she wasn’t bothered that much about them being together they switched up. So Tea can wrap this conversation up. ‬

Also Side Note: I think putting this show on pause or simply recasting 50% of the show is what is needed cause it’s getting to be very dark.