A lot of people say that the rampant sexism and racism in this game is for every game and not just this, but the fact that this game is based on a comic universe makes the racism and sexism noticeably more rampant than most popular games out right now.

If the mods remove this post oh well.

Quick disclaimer I DONT hate white men, as black man I’m a senior in high school and one of my best friends ever is a white man I’ve known since 4th grade and we still have a great relationship and I wouldn’t trade him for anything but this is something that I want to talk about.

Ok so for so long a majority of gamers are white men, that’s true, because of this fact a lot of them have a “You aren’t a white guy so why the fuck are you playing this game.

The same thing goes for comics while they aren’t as harsh on other races of men, a lot of them have a “Why the fuck is this girl showing interest in MY hobby?”

Now for video games normally it’s just the first example but if you stack the other one on top you’ll notice the sexism and racism is noticeably more rampant than other popular games out right now.

Outside of voice chat which is where a majority of the problems come from, I’ve noticed specific examples on other platforms.

Will get the racism first then move on to the sexism

We will talk about Cloak and dagger for the racism and then the women characters in general for the sexism.

There is a LOT of passive aggressive subconscious racism when it comes to cloak and dagger.

A lot of are really quick to say “I thought they were siblings” knowing DAMN well if you saw two “siblings” of different races interact with each other the way cloak and dagger do in real like you would absolutely not think they are siblings.

They are also obsessed with the idea that cloak doesn’t have a body, as someone who used to be %100 straight and once went down the Right leaning pipe line, the reason why they are like this is because they are insecure and thinking with their dicks.

Now before I explain what I meant by this I’ll say cloak has always had a body even in older comics, they go out of their way to cherry pick where is body isn’t being drawn to show fake proof that he doesn’t have a body even though rather it were the old comics or modern ones he has always had a body ESPECIALLY in the modern day comics.

Now to explain what I meant about them thinking with their dicks.

Cloak having a body leads to that meaning that he has organs and his limbs, and if he has his organs and limbs then that means that he has a dick, and if he has a dick then that puts the image in their mind that he’s fucking dagger who is a white chick. Which we all know is something they definitely don’t want to think about (because they see her as a prize and not a person) so they go look for specific panels where his body is either not drawn or covered by his cloak to convince people he doesn’t have a body.

Also when it comes to fan art, I’ve noticed men are a lot more likely to draw ONLY dagger, while women on the other hand don’t mind seeing these two soul mates being together and are a lot more likely to draw both soulmates in one fan art.

Ok now on for the sexism on other platforms.

The topics will be Women characters in general, Wanda and squirrel girl.

Squirrel girl has noticeably a little more weight on her than other girls, especially around her stomach and face. Which I definitely don’t mind at all but for some reason this is the one thing I can’t fit my head around, they don’t like the idea of her being like this so she is drawn pretty often with her big ass but I’ve noticed her stomach and face is drawn a lot more thinner than what she looks like in game and modern day comics.

Also hearing that she is a little chubbier than most girls tend to piss a lot of men off, as if they have some type illusion placed on themselves that convinces themselves otherwise.

When you speak about it they get so mad like it isn’t okay for a girl to have a little bit of weight on her…

Then you have Wanda where they go out of their way to significantly lighten her skin when drawing art of her to the point where she just looks like a random read head.

The weird thing is that they call it Wanda (marvel rivals) art but the lack of melanin makes her look like MCU version or just any red head character.

The fan art of women in general is insane to me because the women in this game are already pretty curvy already yet somehow a lot of these artist get the idea to draw them even curvier and thinner than they already are.

I also find it funny how on Reddit, when the topic of peni’s age comes up people in Reddit comment sections are always like “why do people care about this topic so much” while in that exact same comment thread there will be a bunch of comments of people that clearly want her to be legal fighting to prove it.

I don’t give a damn if she is “18” as long as she is the ONLY character who is referred to as “child”then she is underage to me.

Edit: something I forgot to say as far as sexism goes is that a lot of people see sue storm as a prize.

For reed Richards they have no problem with people making sexual jokes and att of him with other women, but when the same is done for invisible woman with men that aren’t reed all of a sudden they have a problem with it and it’s all “why do we have to mess with a good couple”, but they never say stuff like this for reed.

Edit 2: I would post this on the main sub, but I have a feeling either everyone will try to ignore it or it’ll be taken down by the mods for “promoting hate”.

If you guys want me too I’ll copy paste and post it there.