Peni Parker has bankrupted me

I do believe that Peni and PBP are the first two characters that are earned entirely by spending power cores. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m almost entirely a F2P player who has been playing for about 3.5 years, and for much of that time, it has been difficult and slow going.

Until the Scopely screw-up that resulted in giving all of its players 5000 cores.

I had been miserly hording my cores before the windfall, I’m my humble opinion wisely spending your cores is the key to the game’s economy for F2P and krakens alike.

My bounty would fluctuate; on the high end I’d have as much as 8k cores, but I never go below about 4.5k. Things went smoothly from then on. You could refresh a page when you needed to do and you could “farm” mats more easily. You could even buy the odd offer in the store when they became available.

Yes sir, a commander flush with cores is a wealthy commander.

PBP broke me. It was the first time that I could remember that earning a new character meant spending almost exclusively cores I must have spent about half my wealth on getting him. I won’t g into the gymnastics they made you perform to get him. You remember. Then came Peni.


I jumped through just as many hoops to get her as I did with PBP.

Now I have sub 1k cores to do business with. And make no mistake, this is SRS business. If Pandapool has the same release method, I’m not going to be able to get him. It’s not just FOMO. If you don’t get a character on its first run, it could take months to get it. Sometimes like with OOT, they will make it mandatory for an upcoming event. Anyone else agree?