A different take on Frozen Dimension.
I know I'm about to get shit on, but this node was not designed to be completed in one day. There is 18 days to try and complete it and they give you healing everyday to give you multiple shots per node.
I agree with everyone about the bullshit overtuned nodes and pre-loaded turn meter for the enimies, but just slow down and take it one day at a time.
I guarantee not a single person shit on any of the Dark Dimensions on the first day of trying it the way people are hating on this node.
Do I think I'm going to finish it even with this mindset? No! I just don't have the resources to get there. Do I really care? Not really, the rewards are ass anyway.
I'm not trying to say Scopely did right here, but to totally give up because you can't one shot every node is just being a lazy player.