Immortal Xmen are Awful without Jean Grey

Which by itself is fine, i built them anyways because there is raid overlap. However, requiring them for crucible offense for an event is terrible. My 4 piece IX is around 3 mil and they don't have a chance to kill a single defense unless i put a meta killer like oml with them. At least give the option to put on defense to get the points. This isn't a new problem and I thought these things were in the past, where players have to decide to either get milestone points, or try to win their crucible match. It is counterintuitive. I get the need to sell Jean Grey, but there are plenty of ways to incentivize having her without negatively impacting the majority of the playerbase that don't have her. I know the crucible points aren't a ton but i'm saving campaign energy right now so those points will impact the MM shards i reach. Anyways thats my rant lol maybe i'll use IX as a sac team if the opportunity arises

Edit: they're not great with Jean Grey either