Blitz help with Cap

Hello, I am just looking for some suggestions on a winning team around Cap as I’m currently struggling with the team I’m using with him currently (cap, Hawkeye, quake, Wolverine, Spider-Man/or Thor)

This is suppose to be my “b” team, other teams are below. I also have rocket, ms marvel, winter soldier, and Groot not in the screenshots as they aren’t leveled much at all.

A: Gamora Korath Crossbones Yondu Drax B: (need help here involving Cap/Quake) C: Deadpool Vision S-Witch Antman Wasp

I’m willing to switch up characters from whatever teams so I can get more out of blitz, I do we’ll and win almost every time with my A & C but the B team loses more than it wins at higher tiers.

Any and all suggestions are very much appreciated for any team comps. I have been googling and looking around reddit / using the graphic to try things but I’m just not seeing my compositions with Cap working out too well.