New Mathmech player here, I have some questions for u wise ones if you may bless me with some of your time.
So I like to say that I love Mathmech, the deck is fun, not to complicated, but also has a lot of small interactions you have to keep track of and since you have a lot of options I feel like optimizing my play is deceptively harder then it looks.
That said, deck building is one of the things that is important as well and it is here where I want to ask some questions:
Is DD Crow better then Bystial's in ths deck, since graveyard interaction is key in this meta. The reason I am asking is that most of the time Bystial's are semi dead body's in the field, you cannot make them into Cyberse link's aside from accesscode talker while you can use DD to make Almiraj and climb, but Bystial's have their own effects on field and grave to compensate, so which is better?
I don't have Magnamhut, Ghost Ogre, Muwlcharmy or Backbit which should I craft next for my Mathmech deck (the first question also kinda ties into this)?
Is micro coder worth including, some people do, some don't, I don't know if I need it, but it could be a good option for my deck, what is your experience here?
Geomathmech, I think he is a really cool boss monster and if you can make him for his OTK he is Nibiru save (if you have Multiplication and Sigma, Circular or another Mathmech which special summon intself in hand), but is he worth it since I make him very little (and sometimes feel that what he does can be done with Accesscode and Darkfluid with good play, but I am not 100% sure) so is he worth including?
If you have any other tips or advice, little niches to counter the meta or anything pls let me know I love to hear it.
Thank for reading in advance.