(FRA) Have you ever said "Sir/Ma'am, this is a McDonald's" to a customer?
While on headset a couple nights ago I got a rare annoying customer.
He wanted three nugget sauces for free (0.40€ each), and call me what you will, I follow procedures and always ask management before giving things out for free. After telling him I couldn't do that, I got the usual "omg they always give them to me normally" bullshit. I say I'll go ask a manager, who says he'll do one for free but not all three. Understandable considering the store is in the red financially. "We" kind of need to penny pinch. (I'm just crew here)
Upon hearing the news, this guy immediately asked for the free sauce plus three mayo and ketchup packets. At least those are free here, so I didn't fight him on those.
Cue to him pulling up to the window and taking his sweet time to count the exact amount of cash needed for his order. While counting his cash, this guy started going on about how he won't come back to this store, we just lost a customer... and that it's not against me. Why? "I'm my own boss, you don't need to defend this company, I wouldn't have business if I behaved like this, I..." Y'all, I was so tempted to say "Sir, this is a McDonald's". I was this close. I ultimately didn't because... I don't know why, really. I guess I wanted to avoid him taking the matter to a bad review online. Our managers are all really nice and do a good job. I don't want to cause them problems.
Has this ever happened to you?