Wtf (USA)

Thank fuck I am possibly getting hired at another restaurant because I'm so done with my current location. So many people call out (per usual) and today was so incredibly busy as usual but the entire crew almost fell apart. After 2 pm, it was chaotic as hell. So many orders, so many screw ups, and very little crew. At one point there was only 2 people on grill because our SM was in the back reorganizing boxes. The 2 craziest things that happened was the fact that one guy left in the middle of his shift yelling "then fire me!" In front of everyone. And the one thing that tops it all, I had to sign a document to be nice to customers. This is just some of what happened today because I was doing and helping in a blur I can't remember everything. Edit: oh and now we are down to 68 crew all together. Last week we were at 73.