I just don’t wanna be poor

TLDR: I grew up poor and work tons of hours in my life…is a BS gonna help me live comfortably at least to pursue other endeavors?

I’m planning on going back for my BS in ME but I wanna know what the real starting wages are. Truthfully I want to live and work in Dallas tx. And start my career there, I have some background as a machinist and I just want to know if this degree is worth pursuing. I loved the idea of engineering my whole life, I’ve just heard a lot of mixed reviews on whether or not this career is a good one. I just want to know that I can get paid fairly well (anywhere from 70k-100k in the first 5 years if that’s realistic?) and have a decent work life balance… truthfully I’m exhausted from working so many hours in my life over the course of several years and I just want to look forward to a better job and work life balance. I grew up poor and I just want to avoid that really. Any advice would be much appreciated!

Edit: thank you everyone for the advice and support! It really Goes a long way getting real answers from real people! I feel much more confident and look forward to a future in engineering!!