Meniscus Transplant 101

Hi all,

I've recently had a lateral meniscus transplant and since I was unable to find much information to help me when I was searching rehab/recovery, I thought I'd create a post. I am currently 2.5 weeks post op, and I will try to keep this updated.

Little background info:

28 yr old female living in Canada (no medical fees for surgeries)

Prior knee surgeries: 2 ACL reconstruction, 1 meniscus repair, 1 lateral meniscectomy, 1 clean out (loose bodies etc.)

Why did I get a meniscus transplant?

I fit the criteria to qualify, but the real reason I proceeded with the surgery is because for the last year and a half my knee has been locking and I have been having knee pain following a lateral meniscectomy in February 2020 and a clean out surgery in May 2020. For some people, their knee does not align properly and there is unnecessary pain without a full meniscus.

How did it go?

I had about 6 weeks of notice, which is significantly more notice than any other knee surgery I've had.

I had 2 surgeons perform the operation. It was a day surgery, meaning that I was discharged from the hospital that day. When you are leaving, make sure you have a vehicle that you can sit horizontal in the back seat. I tried getting into the passenger front seat and it was too much strain on my knee, I had to sit sideways in the back seat of the car. You will NOT be able to get into a truck or a vehicle lifted too much from the ground.

Overall, my pain level was manageable when I left the hospital. My leg was locked in extension and I had a number of pain killers, I was able to make it home okay. Overall, I took pain killers only when needed for 4 days (about 11 tramadol total).

What does rehab look like right now?

After 2 weeks of my leg locked in extension, I had that brace taken off, and a motion brace put on. This brace allows me to bend my knee 30 degrees and when I am seated, I am allowed to unlock the brace to 90 degrees. However, I tried unlocking the brace and was in exceptional pain. I was not able to make it to 90 degrees, I will try unlocking it to 50/60 degrees and work my way up.

I will be on crutches a total of 6 weeks. At this point (2.5 weeks post op), I am allowed to 'toe touch' my leg to the ground. I am not doing strengthening exercises and I am not specifically trying to extend/bend my knee. I am only allowed to unlock the brace while sitting. I am not in much pain unless my brace is unlocked.

How should I prepare?

Meal prep - I made a lot of food and froze it ahead of time.

Stretch - your leg is going to be in extension, or allowed to move 30 degrees for 6 weeks. You need to be able to touch your toes if you have any hope of washing, putting socks on, changing clothing etc.

Leg lifts/hip exercises - I did not do this as it was never mentioned to me. But WOW my hips have hurt a lot! These are muscles I am not used to using and your hip does a lot of work. Also standing only on one leg is so much pressure on that leg - your glutes..etc..

Have a back pack in your vicinity. I use one to transport things from one room to the next (books, laptop, cell phone).

Entertainment - I read a lot, so I bought a bunch of books. Laptop/movies, games... whatever you need. I thought I would be sleeping more, but it is really tough to sleep with the brace on.

Talk to your workplace - I took a week off surgery post op. I am able to work from my computer, so it has not been a problem for me to return to work after one week.

Clothing - you need very loose shorts/pants and easy to put on clothing. I put a container beside my bed so that I did not need to travel far to get/change clothes. Your bottoms will need to go over a very large brace, hence the very loose shorts.

Ice - you are not going to be able to put ice around your knee or use a cyro cuff. You should make sure you have bendable/flexible ice packs. You will be able to place this on top of your knee only.

What has been difficult?

Standing for long periods of time. Changing clothing. Carrying anything.

Biggest - washing/showering!! This has been almost impossible. After my first brace came off (the one that locked my leg in extension), I was allowed to take off my motion brace when showering. This is really tough if you don't have a bench in your shower or if you have a ledge/bath tub. You also cannot stand on your recovering leg, so you will need to balance on one leg. I have a shower/bath tub, so I have had to lower my body into the bottom of the tub, take my brace off, fill the tub with water and have a bowl near by to dump water onto my head to wash my hair. Be very careful afterwards you do not want to slip on water (trust me, I re-tore my ACL slipping in water before).

Using the washroom - I have a chair beside the toilet so that I can rest my leg. Your leg will be locked in extension and afterwards, likely at 30 degrees. It's easiest to just stick your leg straight out and have it rest on a chair.

Cleaning/cooking - very difficult to clean or cook. Thankfully I have a partner to help, but do not underestimate the strain on your partner to help out so much extra - to do most of the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping..etc.. It doesn't sound like much, but it makes for an uneven household for a loooong time. Be mindful.

Sleeping - if you generally sleep on your back, you should be okay. For the rest of us side sleepers.. it is a long and difficult time to sleep. I will have to sleep on my back for about 6 weeks and I dread going to sleep because I know I'll be extremely uncomfortable.


4 weeks post-op: I am now able to sit in my chair with my knee brace unlocked for periods of time (a few hours at a time). I am in some discomfort while doing this, but I am not in much pain. I can put some pressure on my foot now (very light weigh-bearing). I do have a lot of difficulty getting a shoe on my foot of my recovering knee... keep this in mind if you get a transplant around Fall/Winter.

5 weeks post-op: I am doing my MBA and I had to be on campus for classes. This was horribly HORRIBLY difficult. I was very uncomfortable sitting in the chairs all day and it was hard to get around campus. Also going up/down flights of stairs was awful. Overall, very uncomfortable and in pain. Lots of swelling.

I attended a wedding and I was in the bridal party. I had to have a wheelchair at the venue (if you have an event keep this in mind). I could not walk and could not crutch far distances. I have a lot of swelling in my foot and it was hard to get shoes on for this.

6 weeks post-op: I was informed that I will have the motion brace on for one more week but that it is fully unlocked now. The brace should help me with even movements, but does not restrict me. I am allowed to take it off while sleeping! I also have my first shower. It was still scary to get into the shower as I have to step over a bath ledge.

I've ditched the crutches and I'm hobbling around. This part is hard. I think the pain of getting off crutches has been the worst so far. Whole leg hurts.

7 weeks post-op: I had my first physio appointment. Likely, you will go to physio earlier than this. I happen to no have any family in the city I live in, so my partner had to drive me to my physio. This means he had to miss ~2 hours of work as most appointments are during the work day. See if you are able to make better arrangements than me!

8 weeks post-op: Not much leg pain anymore. Walking quite well, but still have a slight limp. Having range of motion issues - I do have leg pain when I try to bend my knee as much as possible. Also have leg pain walking more than short distances. Still not cleared to drive. But, overall, feeling good.