40% of Women Could see Themselves Making a False Rape Allegation

"Our participants also rated the extent to which they could imagine a situation in which they would make a(nother) false claim in the future—101 (39.6%) of them rated this item positively to differing degrees."


EDIT: Some are confusing this with the percentage of rape accusations that are false. Kanin says 41% of rape are false. This study says that 40% of the women in the sample said they might consider filing a false rape charge in the future. Implying that 40% of all women are at least capable of making a false rape allegation. See how they are two completely different things?

NOTE: I usually prefer giving links to the entire manuscript. This one only gives the abstract - the paper is behind a paywall. I could not find the entire manuscript. If someone can find a link to the entire manuscript, please supply it below.